USC JEP students Tutoring + Social Emotional Learning
On Wednesdays, we offer along with USC JEP, Tutoring + Social Emotional Learning from 3-5pm at St. Mark’s
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Creative Peace Project
The Creative Peace Project is a school violence prevention/social-emotional learning program in collaboration with USC's Joint Educational Project (JEP). Students learn about peace, non-violent conflict resolution methods and communication skills through meditation and mindfulness, literature, and hands-on fun and creative activities. The Creative Peace Project is designed as a seven-week program that focuses on a new aspect of peace and social-emotional learning each week. Resources including curricula, books/stories, and meditation practices for all lessons are available by selecting the links below.
For more information on USC's JEP click the link below.
Lesson 1
What is Peace?
Video 1- Peaceful Meditation
Video 2- Reading Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class
Documents- Guided Meditation (English)
Lesson 2
"L" Listening & "A" Asking Questions for Understanding
Lesson 3
Lesson 3 "F" Feelings